EC&I 831 Summary of Learning

Victoria and I had a lot of fun doing this final Summary of Learning! We are both new to TikTok and it took a while to really understand the best ways to manipulate the app to suit our needs, but ultimately, in the end, we were able to put together some engaging, thought-provoking, and funnyContinue reading “EC&I 831 Summary of Learning”

Social Media Integration Project – Final Update

Wow! What a busy couple of weeks we have had in ECI831. I just have to say I am SO impressed with my student’s level of engagement and the positive results I have seen as a result of the social media integration in my classroom! Out of all 54 students that have been along thisContinue reading “Social Media Integration Project – Final Update”

Ck-12 and MERLOT OER Review

I have never explored Open Education Resources (OER) before and I am wondering why these resources have not been better advertised to new teachers. There are many great resources that have been kindly shared for free by other educators. Thinking about Teachers Pay Teachers: there are many great resources on the site, however at aContinue reading “Ck-12 and MERLOT OER Review”

Social Media Integration in my Classroom update

We have a class Instagram account now, and many of my students have created Twitter or Instagram accounts for their Digital Scrapbook. Students have begun documenting their journey as a fictional character, modeled after our novel, Daniel’s Story. Their posts have been quite remarkable and have required research to factually represent their created experiences asContinue reading “Social Media Integration in my Classroom update”

Open Education

To me, Open Education truly allows for a greater learning experience. Education has always been a social status that creates a divide between the educated and the “uneducated” (although, clearly this is problematic as others’ education may be equally as valuable, if not more, but does not fit the criteria of schooling, or what scholarsContinue reading “Open Education”

Socially Active Media

Activism in the public eye can be both rewarding and dangerous simultaneously. I consider myself to be a privileged person based on societal constructs that simply place me in a position of influence (not because everything has been handed to me or because I have not faced challenges or discrimination). That being said, my comfortContinue reading “Socially Active Media”

Update #2 on Learning Project

Blogging has been a great success thus far. A few interesting comments from some students, but under the notification center (seen below) you can “Hide” comments that do not fit the criteria of the assignment/class. Victoria commented on my last blog post and asked to see what the teacher side / back end of FanContinue reading “Update #2 on Learning Project”

Progress update for Social Media Implementation

What a busy week! My students and I have made a little progress regarding our blogs and social media ‘scrapbooks’ for our novel study. We have started reading “Daniel’s Story” and have set up their blogs on FanSchool! Thankfully my school division has students complete a digital permission form for media consent, so the legalityContinue reading “Progress update for Social Media Implementation”

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